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  Academy modeller 

3 year combined modeller for academies


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Frequently asked questions

If you cannot find an answer to your question on this page please email your query to the address below:


Are the modellers compatible with the latest version of Excel?

Yes. The modellers are provided in Excel 97 format, but are designed to be compatible with all later versions of Excel. A guide to using and saving the modellers in different versions of Excel is included in the package.


How do I include the increase in employers’ superannuation contribution for teachers from September 2015?

Changes in employers’ superannuation contribution rates are usually introduced in April across the public sector pension schemes. On this occasion the Government has chosen to introduce a change in September. The recommended approach to incorporating this change into your salary modeller (in the modeller maintenance page) is to use a pro rata composite value, made up of 5/12s the old rate and 7/12s the new rate. Example 14.1% (old rate) x 5/12 = 5.875% 16.4% (expected new rate) x 7/12 = 9.567%

5.875% + 9.567% = 15.44% (composite rate)

Use 15.44% as the value for employers’ superannuation contribution for teachers for the year April 2015 to March 2016 Use the new rate (16.4%) for subsequent years. See the example below.


What values should I be using for the Employer's NICs tables?

The values shown above should be used for April 2014 - March 2015 and subsequent years. The values for future years can be altered as those figures become available. A government guide to 2014-15 NICs can be found here.


How do I reflect the ending of contracting out on employer's NICs from April 2016?

The example below shows how to amend your NICs tables to reflect the change.

From April 2016 onwards the values in the "NI in super" column will be the same as those for the "NI not in super" column. You should update the figures in the monthly salary bands as they become available


How can I make best use of a 3 year modeller if I don't know future rates of pay, NI rates etc.?

There are two basic approaches to making use of the 3 year modellers:- using updated pay rates etc. to model actual changes in your costs or using unchanged pay rates etc. across all three years to show "real terms" changes. If future pay rates etc. are not available you could estimate percentage increases in years 2 and 3 to produce an estimate of how much your staff costs will actually change, or you could use year 1 data across all three years to see how changes in contracts and staffing levels will change your staff costs in relation to year 1, thus giving a "real terms" change in your staffing costs.

I'm worried about running macros on my machine. Is it safe to do so?

The macros built into the modellers are intended save you time by taking some of the repetitive work out of using them and, particularly for inexperienced users of Excel, to provide some advanced features literally "at the touch of a button". The macros are safe to run on your machine, but if you have any doubts, or if your antivirus software prevents you from doing so, use the macro free versions supplied on the disc. You will not have the benefits of the additional functionality, but all the core features remain and calculations are not affected.

A small square toolbar appears on the screen when “full screen” facility is activated

The toolbar is an automatic function of Excel and not part of the modeller. It appears the first time a spreadsheet is displayed in full screen mode. To remove it just click on the x in its top right corner, or drag it to a more convenient location.

 I cannot see the horizontal scroll bar when “full screen” facility is activated

When a spreadsheet is displayed full screen, whether or not the horizontal scroll bar is visible is determined by the task bar settings on your computer. The easiest way to see the scroll bar is to drag the task bar (the one with the clock on) down to the very bottom of the screen and then up again when you’ve finished. This is achieved by pointing your cursor at the top of the task bar until it becomes a two-headed arrow, then left clicking and dragging down.  The permanent solution is to right click on the task bar, select “properties”, “task bar options” and clear the “always on top” box. Alternatively the modeller can be navigated using the arrow keys on the keyboard.

There is no “zero” value in the drop-down lists with which I can clear mistakes

Use the “delete” button on your keyboard to delete any unwanted information.

The appearance of my data changes when I select a different year

If a contract is not current during any part of the selected year it will appear greyed-out and struck through on the modeller. In addition there will be no salary information displayed. This is to bring to prominence those contracts which are actually valid in the selected year. Using the sort options will change the order in which contracts appear on your screen, giving priority to current contracts.


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Revised: 05/01/21

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